So far I have "saved" 3 sq. ft. of habitat and have enlisted 20 friends in the cause. I hope to involve more as I have unlocked all 21 endangered species which include the Polar Bear, Amur Leopard and the Blue-Footed Booby. So far only one complaint - what gives with not including a species of Rhino?!? I know, this isn't supposed to be about species favoritism but I have contacted the developer of the application and you can bet I'm going to ask how the 21 species were selected. Should prove interesting even if the truth is that selecting the species was completely random.
So for a refresher to all just tuning in: "Save the Animals" was developed by the World Wildlife Fund to use on Facebook so their sponsors will contribute money to save and preserve animal habitats.
I hope to secure a list of the sponsors they refer to as well as species info. Overall, my hope is this blog can be a home to the life story of the application as a reference for the rest of us. Stay tuned...
Hey - check out the new graphic!

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